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CS Research教学交流会

2015年06月14日下午10:00,应我校十大网投官方入口的邀请,普度大学Andy Harris高级讲师在十大网投官方入口会议室(60-217)作了题为“CS Research”的学术报告。报告会由十大网投官方入口院长叶飞跃 教授主持,学院老师和同学积极参与了此次讲座。报告会现场气氛热烈,师生获益匪浅。




Andy Harris高级讲师简介:Andy Harris is a Senior Lecturer of Computer Science at Indiana University / Purdue University – Indianapolis  (IUPUI.)  IUPUI is a joint campus of two major universities, Indiana University and Purdue University.  Purdue is well-known for its programs in science and engineering, and IU has a famous medical school.  IUPUI is located in Indianapolis, about 300km south of Chicago.  

Mr. Harris has taught computer science for 20 years, focusing on programming languages, web development, multimedia, and game development.  He currently oversees the freshman computer science program teaching the first two courses for CS majors.  

He has written a number of books on computer programming, including books on Java, PHP, C#, JavaScript, HTML5 / CSS3 / JavaScript, Python, Flash, and game development.

He was first in China when he was a student, in 1985!  While the people are still as kind and welcoming as he remembers them, many other things about China have changed in that time.  

Mr. Harris has lived in Japan and Germany, and has taught in Guangzhou and Macedonia Former Yugoslav Republic.
