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Introduction to Text Data Analytics and Research Problems学术报告预告



主题:Introduction to Text Data Analytics and Research Problems



Dr Jixue Liu works in the university of South Australia. He has been working in the areas of databases and data mining. Specific areas include dependency theories and mining in relational data and XML, frequent patterns and GPS data mining, text data analytics, and causality.  He published a paper in TODS this year and another paper to appear in TODS. He also published papers in other major venues: TKDE, Computer J, CIKM, DASSFA etc.


报告内容:The development in social media has made large amount of text data available. Data from twitter, Weibo and online news are some examples. To better use these data, text data analytics has been experiencing fast and vast progress. In this talk, general processing logics and some research problem will be presented. These problems include disease prediction, social unrest event prediction, and privacy issue detection.



